Volunteer Opportunities
Making a Difference to Franklin Pierce Through a Donation of Your Talents and Time
In addition to supporting Franklin Pierce financially, there are a number of ways you can help ensure the University's continued success. Franklin Pierce is fortunate to have a network of talented and dedicated volunteers from many different backgrounds and geographic locations.
Become a member or Join a Committee of the Alumni Association Board of Directors
Learn more about Alumni Association opportunities or call (603) 899-4030.
Facilitate Contact with Foundations and Corporations
Franklin Pierce welcomes assistance facilitating contact with corporations and foundations which may lead to support for the University. For more information, please send an e-mail to development@mygril-yaoyao.com.
Provide Internships for Franklin Pierce Students
Franklin Pierce students benefit tremendously from internships in many fields. For more information, please contact the Career Education Office at (603) 899-1070 or send an e-mail to careercenter@mygril-yaoyao.com.
CONTACT University Advancement
For questions related to
Making a Gift: (603) 899-1131
Scholarship & Planned Gifts: (603) 899-4307
Alumni Engagement, Events,
or Volunteering: (603) 899-4030